How Taking Control Of Your Finances Can Help You After A Divorce
Posted on:
11 August 2018
Divorce has a way of messing up a lot of things. Your life completely goes out of control, and you feel like you will never get back to "normal." The truth is, after a divorce, you have to take back your life, one piece at a time. The best place to start is with your finances. People are in absolute financial ruins after a divorce, and it is really hard to get back on the right track.
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Will You Lose Your Home In Bankruptcy?
Posted on:
8 November 2016
For some people, the fear of losing their home prevents them from filing for bankruptcy. What they might not realize is that filing for bankruptcy does not necessarily mean that their homes will be lost. If you are considering bankruptcy and worried about losing your home, here is what you need to know.
Can the Homestead Exemption Save Your Home?
In bankruptcy, exemptions are allowed to save some or all of your assets.
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Foreclosure And Divorce: Why You Need A Competent Attorney
Posted on:
9 February 2016
The process of divorce is extremely difficult; if you and your spouse own a home together that you can no longer afford, the difficulty is multiplied. Some couples opt to just let the house go back to the bank without fighting; they walk away from the mortgage to the detriment of their credit. This can ensure that you can't buy another home for at least seven years. It can also affect your ability to obtain other types of credit, and can even cost you the ability to keep your current job or find a new job.
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Learn How To Rebuild Your Credit After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Posted on:
9 December 2015
After making the big decision to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may want to begin looking for ways to rebuild your credit. If you do this shortly after your bankruptcy is complete, you will have a good chance of building your credit score back up in a very short amount of time. There are two things you should know about this.
How Long Will Chapter 7 Affect Your Credit Score?
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