
  • Foreclosure And Divorce: Why You Need A Competent Attorney

    The process of divorce is extremely difficult; if you and your spouse own a home together that you can no longer afford, the difficulty is multiplied. Some couples opt to just let the house go back to the bank without fighting; they walk away from the mortgage to the detriment of their credit. This can ensure that you can't buy another home for at least seven years. It can also affect your ability to obtain other types of credit, and can even cost you the ability to keep your current job or find a new job.
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  • Learn How To Rebuild Your Credit After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    After making the big decision to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may want to begin looking for ways to rebuild your credit. If you do this shortly after your bankruptcy is complete, you will have a good chance of building your credit score back up in a very short amount of time. There are two things you should know about this. How Long Will Chapter 7 Affect Your Credit Score?
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  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    It can be quite easy to get into financial trouble - especially in today's tough economy. The good news is you can help reduce your financial burden by filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, this is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Here are three things you need to know about filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy. 1. You must complete credit counseling before you can file. One important thing to know about filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy is that you must complete credit counseling beforehand.
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  • Should Married Couples File Bankruptcy Jointly?

    Married couples who are in financial distress have the option of filing for bankruptcy jointly or separately. Which option you and your spouse should choose depends largely on your state's laws and your financial situation. To help you and your spouse decide, it is important you know when filing jointly or separately is best.  Should You File Jointly? When you file jointly, every asset and debt that you and your spouse have become part of the bankruptcy estate.
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  • 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

    Many people end up turning to bankruptcy due to something that happened in their life that they couldn't control. Whether it be that you lost your job or ended up with a tremendous amount of medical debt, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a great way to eliminate your unsecured debts and start fresh. However, there are certain rules you have to follow to make sure you follow to stay within the guidelines of the court.
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  • Help! Child Support Is Building Up And I Can't Afford To Pay It

    If you are not able to keep up with your child support payments, all is not lost. There are several things you can do but you do need to take action quickly so that you won't get buried under the growing debt. Getting the Child Support Order modified If your and/or your ex's circumstances have changed significantly, you may be able to get the child support order modified. The thing is, you shouldn't delay doing this because you can't get a modification that will take effect retroactively; it will only affect your future payments.
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  • Stay On The Safe Side: Avoiding Social Security Fraud

    If you are unable to work because of illness or injury, you could be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance. The SSA (Social Security Administration) provides monthly benefit payments to those who qualify. To qualify for benefits, you must have worked enough and paid into the system and your medical condition must be adjudged severe enough by the SSA. The application process for Social Security can be confusing and complex, sometimes leading to misunderstandings and mistakes on your application.
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  • Automatic Stays: What They Can and Cannot Do

    In spite of the common misconception that people who need to declare bankruptcy are taking advantage of bankruptcy laws to avoid being financially responsible, in reality people who declare bankruptcy are simply acting out of desperation. If you are considering a bankruptcy filing, you are likely deeply in debt, being hounded by debt collectors constantly, and in danger of losing your home, vehicle, and home utility services. The automatic stay, available immediately upon filing for bankruptcy, can bring you the relief you need by letting you keep some important human necessities and can buy you the time you need to make other arrangements.
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  • Are You Eligible For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

    Are you at a point in your life where you feel completely overwhelmed by debt and where, no matter what you do or how much you pay, you can't seem to make any headway when it comes to paying off your debts? If so, then bankruptcy may be the best option for you. Keep in mind that bankruptcy is not something that should ever be entered into lightly, nor is it a first resort.
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  • 4 Reasons You Need An Attorney When Filing For Bankruptcy

    Being in a position where you are deep in a debt that you can't repay can be incredibly stressful and make day-to-day life difficult. Trying to juggle your personal finances while being harassed by debt collectors can be mentally and emotionally draining, and bankruptcy may be the only solution to your financial problems. However, filing for bankruptcy is not a simple process, and it should not be done without the representation of an experienced bankruptcy attorney.
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